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Is Malware An Internet Pandemic?

04 October 2022

Is Malware an Internet Pandemic?

There were 2.8 billion malware attacks in the first half of 2022.

Malicious software, or Malware, is a blanket term for any program designed to cause disruption to a computer, or network. Malware can aim to leak private information, gain unauthorised access to systems or interfere with a user’s security or privacy. Many spread through Social Engineering, finding a way to get the user to do something. This could be clicking on a link or downloading a program. Once installed, the type of malware will determine the end goal.

There are now more than a billion variations of Malware. This has grown exponentially since 2013, and whilst the number of new variations has slowed, the sophistication has only grown. These programs can be split into various categories, with some being a mixture of a many different types. A few types of malware include:

Trojan Horse -

A Trojan is a type of malware that disguises itself as a legitimate program to get the user to install it. Once the user has downloaded the program it executes its payload hidden within. Unlike many other viruses the Trojan does not attempt to replicate itself. Instead, it can be used as an initial access into a network, opening a door in the network to another malicious program.

Virus -

Whilst the term “Computer Virus” has come to mean the entirety of Malware, a virus is a type of malware that replicates itself and infects a whole system. It does this by copying parts of its own code into other files on the machine. A virus can lay dormant on a machine until a particular trigger is activated. This then executes the payload which can be used to destroy data, give annoying pop-up messages or cause a denial of service. These can be created to send a political message or carry more harmful malware.

Ransomware -

A hot topic of late, this type of malware encrypts all the files on a machine. A message usually tells the victim they must pay an amount, usually Bitcoin, to retrieve their data. Additionally, ransomware often steals a victim’s data first for Threat Actors to sell on underground hacking forums. All of this mixed in with the ability to propagate itself around a network, ransomware can cripple an organisation if unprotected. In May 2017 the WannaCry cryptoworm encrypted the NHS’s systems, causing cancelled appointments and delayed procedures for weeks after. Due to the money-making opportunity, ransomware has become more and more prevalent, causing the highest risk to businesses.

What can be done to stop it? Simple answer, antivirus. Antivirus programs have become increasingly sophisticated to keep up with the growing malware landscape. Many still use traditional "signature based" detection, a way of comparing a files digital signature with a database of known malware. Advanced antivirus software is starting to use Artificial Intelligence and behaviour analysis to detect malicious behaviour of programs whilst they run.

Whatever Antivirus you choose it is important to keep it updated against the latest threats. Perform scans regularly to check for any unwanted malware and take regular backups of your data so you can recover it whenever needed.


By James Hilditch

IT Support Analyst


TAGGED IN: Security, Threats To Small Businesses, Backup Data, Disaster Recovery, Ransomware, Cyber Security, Phishing, Managed Antivirus