Cloud Solutions For Small Businesses

Cloud Solutions or Cloud Computing is an important aspect for any well established business but is equally as effective for small and businesses that are just starting up. A cloud solution provides applications and data for businesses anywhere anytime and on mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and phones and at a very reasonable price in compared to having an in-house server and all the costs associated with hosting and maintaining.
Some of the benefits of Cloud Computing
Financial implications
The cost benefits of not having to employ a team of in-house IT specialists, to maintain an on-premises server which hosts email and all your data or run backups. A big positive is costa saving and convenience of a Cloud Solution, is you usually pay a small monthly/annual fee and the service of maintaining the platform, running updates etc is the responsibility of the Cloud Vendor.
Browser based applications
Accounting packages like Xero or Quick Books are browser-based applications and no need to install programs on an in-house server or on individual PC’s on your network where there can be niggly problems trying to collaborate on the program by your team. As long as you have a fairly fast internet connection – life is good.
Office Applications
Office based applications like Office 365 where your staff can collaborate on files together like word, excel, Outlook and Teams. Applications such as SharePoint or One Drive within the Office 365 Suite is a brilliant tool for businesses large and small for sharing of data with your team and people out with your organisation. Office programs where once upon a time a very expensive application, but now days it is a very affordable and scalable software option where individual licences are purchased for your team members. It is automatically being updated and patched by Microsoft on a regular basis without you having to do anything.
Your Managed Service Provider will ensure that you have the right Cloud application for your businesses needs. A good Cloud Vendor will have comprehensive IT support with any of their applications, so it is very important choosing the right one that is robust and offers minimal downtime if there are any outages that occur for your business from the get-go.
What to do now
Here at Control IT Solutions, we understand every business is different and has its own unique set of needs. We are Managed Service Providers who can tailor a Cloud Solution for your business. Please contact us here or call us for a chat on 01738 310271