Changing Your IT Support Or IT Service Provider

With lockdown starting to ease and with some uncertainty hanging in the wings, you as a business owner want to get on with what you do best, but there might be something niggling at the back of your mind and that is do you have confidence in your IT partner or MSP (Managed Service Provider), do they understand your business, areas of opportunity and some of the challenges that you may be facing and most important of all, do you have confidence in them. Are they just reactive or are they proactive in their level of support to your business? If you have your doubts in your present IT Service Provider, perhaps it is time to switch.
Some red flags to look out for as lockdown eases that might make you consider switching to another IT service provider and they are:
Support during lockdown
There has been a lot of rough seas during the lockdown period for every business in the UK, some businesses will expand, and others will retract after lockdown going forward into the “new normal”. Has your IT Support or MSP been able to adapt during the lockdown, did they have the right tools for the smooth transition for you and your employees to work remotely without any hiccups. Do you have the confidence in them to provide your business with flexibility and proactive support for you to achieve your business goals and succeed?
Understanding your sector of industry
Whatever industry your business is in, medical, financial, property, construction, hotel and leisure, engineering and the list goes on, your IT service provider should be involved with your business and understand your sector of industry, have regular meetings with you to discuss opportunities and how the pandemic has effected your business, so whether you are butcher, baker or a candlestick maker, your IT partner should develop a strategy with the right technology in place to make you and your business a success.
Service and value
Do you feel the IT support and service has gone down a few notches during the lockdown, are there reoccurring problems, do you feel that your IT provider is just plain fire fighting and not getting down to the root of an issue. With continuous IT related issues repeating themselves, this could be detrimental to the productivity and ultimately the success of your business. Is your IT service provider cheap and maybe when you took them on, you thought you where getting a good deal, but at the end of the day cheap is often not better? With security at the forefront of everyone’s mind, it is not worth going cheap as this could cost you dearly in the long run, you want technology, support and good quality service and the best value for money that an IT service provider can give you.
Confidence and gut feeling
Does your present IT service provider speak your language? Or do they bombard you with IT phrases and jargon that is only understood by people working at NASA. You don’t want to have to research on the side or google stuff that was explained to you by your IT partner to try and decipher what they were trying to explain to you in high-brow technical talk. You want easy to understand language that you can make the best decisions with regards to moving your company forward.
What can you do going forward?
Are you are thinking about changing your current IT Service Provider or are looking to take on an IT Company to look after your business, get in touch here or phone 01738 310 271
Want to know more about what to expect from a Managed IT Service Provider – click here
To find out how we can make that change for you in an easy 3 step process - please click here to download our flyer