Grow Your Business With Cyber Security

A lot of businesses have the mindset that cyber security is just another added expense, but if you as a business owner build up a culture of cyber security awareness and cyber resilience within your organisation, this will really help your business when seeking or offering new services within the market place as it will prove to other business prospects that you take your Cyber Security seriously. With small businesses that take more attacks than most and are often targeted, according to Verizon a whopping 43% of all breaches involve small businesses. With smaller businesses who often don t have the resources to bounce back quickly as some of the bigger players within the market place after an attack, so it’s important to make that investment within your business, you must not assume if it will happen but rather when it will happen and be prepared.
There are several ways of ensuring you can protect your business, a very good way and is becoming increasingly popular amongst SME’s and this is to get Cyber Essentials Accredited. This will also prove to new and existing clients that you take your Cyber Security seriously and you have the correct security controls in place to minimise the risk of a cyber-attack. We can help your business become Cyber Essentials Accredited.
Are you are thinking about changing your current IT Service Provider or are looking to take on an IT Company to look after your business, get in touch here or phone 01738 310 271
Want to know more about what to expect from a Managed IT Service Provider – click here
Are you looking to get your business Cyber Essentials Accredited - Please click on the link to reach out and make contact