Be IT Smart And Grow Your Business

Do you see spending money on IT as a cost or an investment in your company’s future growth? A lot of owners of SME’s still think their IT spending is a cost that must be endured, instead like some smart business owners who think of this expenditure as a way that empowers their growth across all areas of their business. To attract and retain good talent amongst your employees, as a business owner you should think of the future and how good IT helps good customer relations and increases productivity which in turn has a positive impact on your employees and also helps to fight and shield your business against cybercrime.
The costs to recruit a new candidate, train them up, not to mention the time as well and then loose them to the opposition as quickly as they entered your front door. The way forward in this digital age is to create a working environment that is flexible. With the correct tools employees can work from anywhere at a time that suits them as well, instead of taking ages to commute to and from the office, some companies are adopting the attitude of flexible time. It is a modern way of living and flexible working is one way of retaining good skilled staff. The place of “somewhere to go” is fading but rather “something that you can do” anywhere any place at any time. So, for the modern employees they need the proper tools and to work flexible hours. Businesses need to embrace this Digital Era – this is now – The 4th Industrial Revolution.
Obviously, this cannot work for all businesses, but this seems to be the way forward for some business owners. When outgrowing your office space or premises and are thinking of moving, try to look at it from a different angle before taking the plunge. Think of the costs associated of a new premise and the risks or rewards associated with that. Can the money be spent on new and better technology? This would allow staff to have a flexible way of working away from the office. These are things to consider.
A flexible working environment and flexible hours can be achieved through better technology and not spending on bigger offices. The Digital Era – means the mobile employee. With Video and web conferencing telecommunications things are changing – how do you see your business in this Digital Era?
For help, hints, tips and advice on your businesses IT infrastructure and thinking outside the box – Call Control IT Solutions 01738 310271