Benefits Of Microsoft Teams

With the whole world tackling this global pandemic of Covid-19/Corona Virus, businesses especially are having to take drastic measures and putting controls in place to keep employees and customers safe and to prevent the spread of this disease. With a lot of businesses having to adapt quickly to this transition of all their employees working from home has been a huge challenge into this unchartered territory which a lot of businesses haven’t been prepared for. But being able to work from home will not only give businesses credibility for their clients but also stability for their employees.
Microsoft Teams is an invaluable software application which is part of the Office 365 suite and is a great resource for businesses who must or need their employees to work remotely from home.
What is Teams?
Microsoft Teams was launched in 2017 and is a productivity, messaging and collaboration platform with over 20 million users worldwide, as I am writing this, the number is increasing daily. Most businesses who use and who are familiar with Word, Excel and other Office 365 products can be integrated in Teams. Employees can collaborate on documents at the same time, host audio and video calls and a whole lot more.
There are many features that will help your staff work remotely with Microsoft Teams:
Video and Voice calls – Depending on your preference, you can host meetings with video or audio only calls. There are loads of tools included in the application for hosting meetings with more than one participant. High quality video calling allows you to examine a document together and chat about it, also during this isolation phase that we are all going through it is also a great way of staying in touch and having a face to face meeting.
Instant Messaging – This is an excellent way of communicating within your team or for managers and employees to chat with each other in real time as opposed to sending emails back and forth to get to an outcome, where with chat it is instant and a group can also be involved in a chat.
Document Collaboration – Excel, Word, PowerPoint and PDF documents can be accessed by employees where they can edit in real time and changes to documents can be made by several users and the updates will be synchronised automatically.
Screen Sharing – When employees are working side by side in an office environment it is easy for them to view screens and chat about projects that they are working on, with Teams even if they are miles apart, multiple users or even between two users can share their screens when on call to each other.
Security – Teams is secure and can have MFA (Multi -Factor Authentication) setup within the Office 365 Suite
Time saving – as soon as users login they can get to work almost immediately, this will boost your employees productivity and is cost saving as there is no travel time included, even once the Covid-19 is over and gone, this can still be a feature.
How to access Microsoft Teams
To get started you will need a Microsoft Office 365 account and all the appropriate licenses. If you don’t have one and would like to trial, Microsoft is now offering a free six-month trial of Office 365 E1 in response to the Coronavirus epidemic, and we at Control IT Solutions can implement this for you as quickly as possible. Click here for more details
What you can do next
You can learn more about Microsoft Teams here
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