Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber Crime Awareness
Cybercrime is a huge problem for businesses and organisations throughout the world, no matter the size. Smaller businesses are often under the impression that larger organisations are more likely to be hit which in fact is quite the opposite, cyber criminals operating on the dark web sell on companies’ information to other cyber criminals no matter what the size of business. Business Managers and Owners need to look at ways of putting the defences up against this scourge of activity.
Most of all the cyber attacks are through employees unintentionally and without any knowledge that they are doing anything wrong as they are the weak link and are prime targets by cyber criminals and they will exploit employees naivety to gain access to any businesses network to steal any sensitive data.
There are still a lot of businesses that do not have some sort of security awareness training or program in place for their employees and within any business or organisation it is the employees that are pivotal for the safety and security of a business’s network and systems
The promotion of the importance of Cyber Security within any business to be effective is that business owners should create a culture of Cyber Awareness and should:
Create a Cyber Security Culture
Cyber Crime is not going to go away for the foreseeable future and is only going to get worse and information and cyber security should be built into any organisations culture, it should be in the staffs handbook and discussed at board meetings so everyone within the business is fully aware of the impact a data breach by a cyber criminal can have on a businesses reputation. Staff training and awareness are important and without these existing in a company, cyber criminals will be quick to take advantage and exploit this weakness.
Cyber Security Training
Cyber Criminals are constantly finding new ways and loopholes within the systems and the landscape is changing at an alarming rate. All staff at every level within an organisation or business should receive the skill and training to better equip them so that they can identify when a cyber attack is taking place. The awareness training can also help with how to respond appropriately. Training should be informative and engaging and should be a constant and ongoing best practice. The education and training of employees will help raise awareness of what procedures to follow. This will help in reducing and data breaches within a business. Information and training on Phishing emails is vital to keep up the defences as this is one on the main weak points. So, build a culture within your business of Cyber Security awareness, remember, training, training, training.
If you would like to get more information on Cyber Security for your business, please call Control IT Solutions on 01738 310271